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Reflection and Response

Reflection on Gillis Harp’s “Reconsidering the Liberal Captivity of American Evangelicalism”

Tom Lehman is Professor of Economics at Indiana Wesleyan University. Gillis Harp’s “Reconsidering the Liberal Captivity of American Evangelicalism,” Christian Scholar’s Review 41:1 (Fall 2011): 51-66, touching on traditionalist versus classical liberal themes in early American evangelicalism, is provocative, and as an economist I noted several areas of agreement. However, I also wish to express…
April 15, 2012
Reflection and Response

Response to Tom Lehman

Gillis Harp is Professor of History at Grove City College. First, let me express my sincere appreciation to Tom Lehman for his thoughtful and detailed response to my article. I am gratified to know that he found much of my portrait of historic evangelicalism “spot on.” It is also encouraging that he agrees that American…
April 15, 2012
Reflection and Response

Finite Care in a World of Infinite Need

Stanley Hauerwas explores the ways in which the fear of death, or more generally the fear of human limitation, shapes the discourse in medical ethics insofar as often the underlying presumption is that medicine’s ultimate aim is to put an end to human limitation – even death. Drawing on the work of Paul Ramsey, Hauerwas…
April 15, 2009