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Huntington, World Order, and Russia

When Al-Qaida attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, Samuel P. Huntington was nearing the end of a distinguished career as a political scientist. He had been elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences before the age of 40. Later he became president of the American Political Science Association. His…
Stephen Hoffmann
April 15, 2019

Beyond the Clash of Civilizations: Hermeneutical Hospitality as a Model for Civilizational Dialogue

The year 2018 marks two milestone anniversaries: the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Samuel Huntington’s original “Clash of Civilizations” essay in Foreign Affairs and the seventeenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. After those attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Huntington’s predictions of Muslim-Western clashes appeared vindicated. But his…
Scott Waalkes
April 15, 2019

Revisiting the Moral Limits of Markets: An “Open Take”

Introduction In September of 2016, a 20-year-old student from Russia entered an online auction site to fund university education abroad. What was for sale? Her virginity. The student, who identifies herself as “Ariana,” posted a starting bid of 150,000 euros—enough money for housing, food, and medical school tuition. Moreover, prospective buyers were given the opportunity…
January 15, 2019

The Thomistic Virtue of Hope in Tolkien’s Leaf by Niggle

Tolkien’s short but poignant work Leaf by Niggle is a rich resource for speculation ranging from Platonic metaphysical themes to biographical insights into the intersection of his personal and professional lives. Although the story was composed earlier, it was sent off in 1944 in response to a request from the editor of The Dublin Review…
January 15, 2019

The Confessional Task of the Christian University

For well over twenty years, Christian scholars and educators of various disciplines have been engaged in an examination of the nature of Christian and secular higher education. Much of that reflection with regard to the North American context in particular has turned on one of two types of examinations. The first type is comprised of a…
October 15, 2018

The Evangelical Mind in the Digital Fields

It is hardly possible to examine comprehensively the state of the evangelical mind today without giving careful attention to the impact of digital media. The rise of digital mediaIn this article I will have in mind a broad definition of “digital media” as digitized content transmitted over the Internet and computer networks. This would include…
July 15, 2018

Christ the Center: An Evangelical Theology of Hope

As the cultural influence of evangelical Christianity in the West wanes, the lack of consensus among evangelicals about their own identity grows. In this paper, I will propose that evangelicals need a more robust theological, biblical, and Christological account of hope that will, in turn, inform an ecclesiology centered on the living Word. Toward that…
July 15, 2018

On the Evangelical Mind and Consulting the Faithful

As we near the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mark Noll’s The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, those who wish to make sense of its legacy confront a rather curious puzzle. If the book aimed to energize a generation of evangelicals to establish themselves in elite universities, to produce credible, meaningful scholarship, and to leave a record…
July 15, 2018

People of the Magazine? Evangelical Innovation for Cultural Engagement amid Technological Change

American evangelicals have always been innovators in communication technology. Dating at least to the early decades of the Republic, we formed parachurch organizations to leverage business strategies and resources and capitalize on the latest forms of technology in an effort to spread the good news.David Paul Nord, The Evangelical Origins of Mass Media in America,…
July 15, 2018

Anti-Intellectualism and the Integration of Faith and Learning

How have evangelical faculties fared in their efforts to move beyond the scandal Mark Noll so sharply exposed nearly a quarter of a century ago? This is the question I take up in this essay, writing as a mid-career faculty member of a Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) institution. What follows are historical…
July 15, 2018

The Parachurch Down Under: A Case Study

A Scottish clergyman once described Australia as the “most godless place under heaven.”James Denney, as cited in Thomas R. Frame, Anglicans in Australia (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2007), 125. Although his comment was ill-informed, as a provocative statement it clues us in to something of a popular sentiment regarding the religiosity of…
July 15, 2018

Addressing the Evangelical Mind-Body Problem: The Local Church as Learning Organization

are those who have become lifelong learners and lovers of others. … We have entered the story of another people, Israel, and we entered as learners.—Willie James Jennings, “The Place of Redemption: Putting the Church on the Ground”Willie James Jennings, “A Place of Redemption: Putting Church on the Ground” (lecture, Slow Church conference, Englewood Christian…