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Christians Are Less Biased?

In this post-election period, there is a desire among many people to come together across political differences to restore civility and cooperation within workplaces, families, or even marriages. One of the major barriers to doing this is the belief that “I am right; they are biased,” which is referred to as the bias blind spot.…
January 21, 2025

The Nature of Slavery

Editor’s Note: In honor of Martin Luther King Day, we encourage you to read the following passage from Frederick Douglas’  “The Nature of Slavery” (1855) in which he describes how slavery mars the image of God  in humanity and undermines efforts to educate humans to their full capacity.   The very accompaniments of the slave…
January 20, 2025

The Dismal State of Mainline Protestant Higher Education

A 2018 volume on Mainline Protestantism opened by asking the question, “Is American mainline Protestantism a relic of a bygone era, the religious equivalent of Howard Johnsons’ Restaurants or Sears, a former giant now fighting for cultural relevance?” On one hand, one could argue that things are not quite that bad at the moment in…
January 17, 2025

How To Do Faith And Fitness With Proper Form

Editor’s Note: After reading a couple of our posts about the stewardship of the body problem in Christian higher education (see here and here), Brad Bloom who publishes the Faith and Fitness Magazine, thought our audience might be interested in reading about how they are thinking about the subject for the popular fitness audience. Yesterday and today's posts are reproduced…
January 15, 2025

Moving Beyond Faith-Based Fitness

Editor's Note: After reading a couple of our posts about the stewardship of the body problem in Christian higher education (see here and here), Brad Bloom, who publishes the Faith & Fitness Magazine, thought our audience might be interested in reading about how they are encouraging the popular fitness audience to think Christianly about the subject.…
January 14, 2025


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Using Identity to Frame Moral Education in Athletics

I recently conducted a study on athletic coaches at small liberal arts colleges and how they go about developing character in their programs. I was particularly struck by a statement from “Jennifer,” one of the participants in the study: I think the challenge with defining character is that every word you use to define it,…
January 24, 2024

How Some Keep the Sabbath: A Christian Scholar Reflects on Sabbatical

When you go on sabbatical, there are two common questions that are asked before and throughout: “What are you working on?” and “Where are you travelling?” This fall semester, I’ve been fortunate to enjoy a semester-long sabbatical, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked both of these. My colleagues, my family,…
January 23, 2024

The Hispanic Faculty Experience: An Interview with Octavio Esqueda

Hispanics have long been integral to U.S. society making significant contributions including the education sector. Though many institutions of higher education have increased their priority on recruiting students from Hispanic backgrounds, the challenge remains for institutions of Christian higher education to engage in the recruitment, support, and retention of Hispanic faculty. Furthermore, the challenge remains…

How Is the Christian Use of the Race Metaphor Unique? Part 1

One of the most enduring and persistent images ancient Greco-Roman philosophers used to depict the struggle of the good life was the metaphor of life as a race. Writers as diverse as Epictetus and Cicero illustrated the moral struggle through the metaphor of a run or a marathon. There is a start, there are difficulties…
January 18, 2024

The Play That Stops Too Soon

Recently I had a vivid reminder of the value in the breadth of a liberal arts education. My son, who is a computer science major, has become a fan of live theater. When he texted me the title of an upcoming play that we could see together with my other son (a music therapy major),…
January 17, 2024

Writing in the Time of ChatGPT

It seems that every day brings news of a development in AI technology, whether advances in the medical or tech fields, new threats to (cyber)security, or concerns for industries that might have jobs overtaken by computers or robots. Some commentators exhibit great excitement about possibilities for change and improvement, while others fear our lives might…
January 16, 2024