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Extended Review

Infinitesimal: How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World—An Extended Review

Matthew DeLong is Professor of Mathematics at Taylor University. The transition to modernity was shaped by changes in science, politics, religion, economics, and culture. Such changes were contested, and from them emerged a new way of perceiving the world. As the subtitle to Infinitesimal suggests, Amir Alexander makes the startling assertion that ground zero of…
Matthew DeLong
October 15, 2015

Christian Faith and Scholarship: An Exploration of Contemporary Developments

All are influenced by something, from their culture to their political ideals to their faith, and Todd Ream and Perry Glanzer in Christian Faith and Scholarship insist that such influences, particularly faith, should be embraced instead of ignored. With prolific references andsources, Ream and Glanzer demonstrate the reasonableness of wedding Christian faith and scholarship in…