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Editor’s Preface

Golden anniversaries are occasions for celebration, reflection, and transition. The advent of the fiftieth volume of Christian Scholar’s Review marks such a moment. The staying power of CSR is a testament to Christian academic communities which have provided it support but more substantively to the subtle but important, even necessary, mission which it pursues. CSR…
Mark Bowald
November 12, 2020

Editor’s Preface

The Editors of Christian Scholar’s Review are pleased to announce a decision in the awarding of the Charles J. Miller Christian Scholar’s Award for best article for Volume 47. The winners are George Yancey and Michael O. Emerson for their article “Having Kids: Assessing Differences in Fertility Desires between Religious and Nonreligious Individuals.” The article…
Mark Bowald
July 15, 2019

Editor’s Preface

Featured in this volume is the article “What is an Evangelical? And Does It Matter?” by Dr. Stephen V. Monsma. In it Dr. Monsma assesses the current status of studies of Evangelicalism, indicates flaws and lacunae in them and points the way forward for a more nuanced and care-full approach to its proper understanding. As…
Mark Bowald
July 26, 2017

Editor’s Preface

The editors of Christian Scholar’s Review are pleased to present this special issue. As the guest editors’ introduction will describe, these papers were delivered at a conference in Indianapolis dedicated to the discussion of “The State of the Evangelical Mind.” Todd Ream, Jerry Pattengale, and Chris Devers organized and executed an exceptionally well produced conference…
Mark Bowald
July 15, 2017