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Faith & Business: Beyond Add-On Models

With the ability to captivate our hearts, awaken imaginations and paint pictures of what it means to be a good person, stories help form (and malform) character and influence behavior.For a recent and thoughtful account of how character is formed consciously and unconsciously, see James KA Smith’s Cultural Liturgies books series: Imaging the Kingdom, Desiring…
Kenman Wong
July 3, 2024

Brightening the Prospects of Virtue Ethics in Business: Reflections from Theology

Virtue ethics has made impressive inroads into the business academy. However, the prospects of the development of virtues in the actual practice of business remain in doubt. Among the most influential skeptics is Alasdair MacIntyre, who argues that business institutions must focus on “external goods” (material rewards and prestige) which threaten the development of “internal…
Kenman Wong
June 10, 2024

 Are Your Students Quiet Quitting or Imbibing Hustle Culture? Consider a Third Way

Despite working with college students well beyond Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000-hour “mastery” threshold and being a parent of three between the ages of 18-24, I (Kenman) regularly stumble while trying to span the generation gap. This divide became apparent again on a recent trip to see my older daughter. Perfectly overlapping academic calendars and Covid shutdowns…

Advice to Christian Professors of Business

Feelings of tremendous pride well up when I hear about alums who are ascending career ladders on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley, or at locally based tech companies like Amazon. Then, I start to wonder if some of these grads are moving up because they are just good at helping their employers “make money,” but…
Kenman Wong
March 29, 2022

Calling in a Post-Pandemic Economy: Rethinking What we Teach about Life After Graduation

In a matter of months, our graduating seniors will be looking to land in the places where their “deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”This often used definition of calling comes from Frederick Buechner’s Wishful Thinking: A Seekers ABC (San Francisco: Harper-One, 1993), 118-9. If economists are right, however, the post Covid-19 job market will likely resemble the…
Kenman Wong
January 11, 2021

Faith & Business: Beyond Add-On Models

With the ability to captivate our hearts, awaken imaginations and paint pictures of what it means to be a good person, stories help form (and malform) character and influence behavior.For a recent and thoughtful account of how character is formed consciously and unconsciously, see James KA Smith’s Cultural Liturgies books series: Imaging the Kingdom, Desiring…
Kenman Wong
November 11, 2020

Reimagining Business Education as Character Formation

Despite historical and recent scholarship that demonstrates the need to appeal to the affective dimension of students to enable appropriate behavior, Christian business education is dominated by cognitively focused “worldview integration.” In this essay Kenman Wong, Bruce Baker, and Randal Franz argue for reimagining business education as a formational enterprise in order to facilitate a…

Introduction to the Theme Issue: The Iron Cage Unchained: Christian Perspectives on Business in the Post-Modern Age

Max Weber lamented over a century ago that the context in which industrial age economic organizations operate emphasizes a technical and cultural rationalization focusing on the material at the expense of the super-material. The pursuit of material rewards in the modern economy has left little room for a spiritual or theological approach to understanding work…