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Loving the Aliens: Building from a Strong Foundation (Part Three)

Developing a solid biblical foundation on the issue of multicultural ministry is essential if we are to have any meaningful discussion on how best to respond to undocumented workers. If God desires to bring to Himself a multiethnic community that will best reflect His glory, then we should be doing everything we can until then…
Ben Mathew
January 25, 2023

Loving the Aliens: A Biblical Theology of Multiculturalism (Part Two)

To faithfully respond to a specific issue (like undocumented workers in America), we need to take a step back and see a bigger picture of God’s work as revealed in God’s Word. While the issue of undocumented workers touches on several topics (political, legal, economic, etc.), at its heart, talking about undocumented workers is about…
Ben Mathew
January 24, 2023