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Redeeming Fallen Institutions

I wrote recently on this blog about Robert Cox’s distinction between “problem-solving theory” and “critical theory” In that post, I suggested that we ought to be graduating students who are capable not only of solving the specific problems that will arise in their work, but also of thinking critically about the institutions in which their…
Adam Smith
April 3, 2024

Problem Solving Theory versus a Different Kind of Critical Theory

In a well-known essay on the study of international relations, political scientist Robert Cox made a useful distinction between what he calls “problem-solving theory” and “critical theory.” Cox’s distinction articulates something pretty commonsensical, which is why I assign excerpts from his essay in lots of different classes that have nothing to do with international relations.…
Adam Smith
February 6, 2024

What If All Our Residence Halls Were Tech Free?

This May I taught a summer course called “Technology and Freedom.” We read many of the usual suspects, including some great Christian critics of technology like Ivan Illich and Jacques Ellul. But the course wasn’t really about ideas. Informally we called it “the tech-free dorm course.” The students spent the entire month living together in…
Adam Smith
July 10, 2023