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Recent Politics, Old Paradigms

What is—what should be—the Christian’s role in politics? There is no easy answer to this question. The present agitation among evangelicals in this election year recalls a debate extending back centuries. In the 1500s, the Roman Catholic Church and the kings of Europe were locked in a contentious alliance—each side trying to maneuver into a…
September 13, 2024

What Barfield Thought: An Introduction to the Work of Owen Barfield

If I were forced to select a single passage from C. S. Lewis’s hefty corpus that sums up most fully his genius for uniting reason and imagination, for exposing the fault lines in the monolith of modernism, and for expressing profound insights in the simplest of terms, I would choose one that occurs in Chapter…
September 12, 2024

Who are you trying to impress?

I think human beings are built to want to impress someone. To please someone. To get approval. It’s there, palpably, in everyone’s eyes, if you know how to look. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with this - nothing at all. It’s built into the tripartite structure of the Trinity, wherein Father and Son gaze upon each…
September 10, 2024

Teaching Amid A Community of Teachers

Part-way through teaching a new course on faith and pedagogy last year I noticed an emerging pattern that had not been a fully conscious part of my plan. An unanticipated trend slowly turned into a conscious strategy that threaded its way through several major topics. It started a few weeks into the semester as we…
September 9, 2024


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Christian Scholar’s Review Blog: Mission Vision and Strategy 2020

Mission Christian Scholar’s Review Blog seeks to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for discussing how Christ animates learning.  Audience Due to the easy global reach of the digital medium, our audience will be Christian academics, graduate students, and students worldwide. In particular, we envision becoming a resource and conversation platform for young and developing Christian…
August 5, 2020

The Resurgence of Christian Scholarship

Things that grow big start small. The January Series at Calvin College fits the pattern. More than 30 years ago it began as a lunch-break lecture series for first-year students enrolled in a three-week exploration of “Christian Perspectives on Learning,” with a mix of local faculty and guest speakers. As its founder June Hamersma was…
April 13, 2018

On the Possibility of a Distinctly Christian Theology

Editorial note: This reflection from Alvin Plantinga is part of a curated discussion on “Christian Perspectives in Higher Learning.” See David Hoekema’s introduction to that discussion here. First of all let me say it’s a very great pleasure to take part in this panel. Some people, as I have discovered, impolitely referred to us as…
Alvin Plantinga
April 13, 2018

The Renaissance of Christian Philosophy

Editorial note: This reflection from Nicholas Wolterstorff is part of a curated discussion on “Christian Perspectives in Higher Learning.” See David Hoekema’s introduction to that discussion here. Our topic is the remarkable renaissance of Christian thought that has taken place over the past 50 years or so and the role of Calvin College in that…
Nicholas Wolterstorff
April 13, 2018

A Gospel That Speaks to All of Life

Editorial note: This reflection from Richard Mouw is part of a curated discussion on “Christian Perspectives in Higher Learning.” See David Hoekema’s introduction to that discussion here. I need to begin by saying how pleased I am to be on the platform with these fellow panelists, who are also cherished friends. The other three presenters…
Richard Mouw
April 13, 2018