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Review Essays

Can Worldview Ever Again Matter?

Toward the end of the previous century, Dana Gioia broached the question whether poetry, which had fallen on hard times with the reading public, could ever again matter.Dana Gioia, Can Poetry Matter? (St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, 1992). Although there were plenty of poets, numerous poetry journals, respectable poetry publishers cranking out new collections every…
T.M. Moore
November 13, 2023
Book ReviewReviews

The Art of New Creation: Trajectories in Theology and the Arts

Encouraging signs suggest that a revival of Christian art could be gathering strength. New publications, workshops, conferences, communities, websites, and leaders are in place, working to bring a powerful infusion of spiritual energy into the Body of Christ via the many-faceted vehicles of Christian art. The Art of New Creation draws from the proceedings of…
T.M. Moore
May 8, 2023

The Art of New Creation: Trajectories in Theology and the Arts (Book Review)

Encouraging signs suggest that a revival of Christian art could be gathering strength. New publications, workshops, conferences, communities, websites, and leaders are in place, working to bring a powerful infusion of spiritual energy into the Body of Christ via the many-faceted vehicles of Christian art. The Art of New Creation draws from the proceedings of…
T.M. Moore
April 27, 2023

Redeeming Our Thinking about History: A God-Centered Approach

People today are ambivalent toward history. We can’t deny it; but we’re not quite sure how to approach it or what to do with it. Those in the “don’t know much about history” camp are both correct and generally content in making such a claim. Others regard history as little more than an academic subject—necessary,…
T.M. Moore
November 8, 2022
Review and Response

Pagans & Christians in the City—A Review Essay

If there is, in the corpus of Jesus’ teaching, what might be considered a defining parable, my vote goes to the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matt. 13.24-30, 36-43). Here Jesus provides a framework for history and a template for thinking about the progress of the Kingdom of God. The parable covers the…
T.M. Moore
February 28, 2022

A Most Interesting Problem: What Darwin’s Descent of Man Got Right and Wrong about Human Evolution

In his essay “Is Theology Poetry?” C. S. Lewis brushed off the then-growing fear that the authority of science threatened to supplant Christianity. He was not convinced and wrote, “The picture so often painted of Christians huddling together on an ever-narrower strip of beach while the incoming tide of ‘Science’ mounts higher and higher corresponds…
T.M. Moore
February 28, 2022

The WEIRDest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous

Joseph Henrich’s big, impressive, and fun book should appeal to scholars across a broad spectrum. Historians, sociologists, economists, church historians, psychologists, cultural historians, and educators will find much to ponder and process in The WEIRDest People in the World. Henrich tells the story not of how the West was won, but how it was born.…
T.M. Moore
October 5, 2021