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The Biblical Worldview and Libraries, Part 5: Library Personnel

This is the last in a series of posts that apply four frames of the biblical narrative—Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation—to the realm of libraries. As I explained in the first post, the series is based in part on the work of a discussion group that convened in my workplace earlier this year. In subsequent…
Gregory A. Smith
July 12, 2023

The Biblical Worldview and Libraries, Part 3: Library Resources

This post is the third of a five-part series. In the first post I described how I met with a group of colleagues earlier this year to explore implications of the biblical worldview for the realm of libraries. Our discussion drew on four “frames” of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation. In the…
Gregory A. Smith
June 28, 2023

The Biblical Worldview and Libraries, Part 2: Library Users

This post is the second of a five-part series. The initial segment of the series described how I and seven of my colleagues at Liberty University met regularly in the early months of 2023 to examine the realm of libraries from a distinctively biblical worldview. Specifically, we considered the implications of four “frames” of the…
Gregory A. Smith
June 21, 2023

Christianity and Libraries: A “Conversation” with ChatGPT

After hearing repeatedly about ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool that OpenAI made available a few months ago, I finally decided to give the system a test drive in mid-February. I chose to engage ChatGPT in an exchange about the relationship between Christians and libraries—a subject area on which I have written and presented repeatedly, especially…
Gregory A. Smith
March 8, 2023

Christian Education for Librarianship, Part 4: Four Additional Issues

Throughout this series, I have explored the logic of a Christian university offering a graduate program to prepare librarians for service in a Christian college or university setting. I began by arguing that librarianship is value-laden and thus subject to examination from a Christian perspective. In my second post, I reviewed programs in library and…
Gregory A. Smith
April 7, 2022

Christian Education for Librarianship, Part 2: The Current State

In my previous post, I offered the following line of reasoning: (1) The field of librarianship is inherently value-laden and thus subject to examination from a biblical worldview. (2) Few Christian institutions offer a graduate program in library science. (3) Libraries that serve Christian institutions offer the most natural venue for integrating faith and librarianship.…
Gregory A. Smith
April 5, 2022

Christian Education for Librarianship, Part 1: A Rationale

My interest in relating Christian faith to the practice of librarianship emerged about 25 years ago when I was pursuing my master’s degree in library science. I first explored such integration in a class paper that I entitled “The Role of Christian Academic Libraries: Promoting the Theistic Worldview.”A revised version of my paper was published…
Gregory A. Smith
April 4, 2022

Library Trends and the Future of Christian Scholarship

I have been concerned for quite some time that works of Christian scholarship are not ideally accessible in the marketplace of ideas. Early in my career, I documented that evangelical literature was often not available digitally, and I advocated for publishers and others to address such deficiencies.Gregory A. Smith, “Christian Libraries for the Next Generation:…
Gregory A. Smith
December 14, 2021