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Review and Response

Response to Paul Sullins

Paul Sullins raises interesting questions about my critical realist personalism. But his critique reflects some confusions. Let me answer his easier criticisms first. I indeed make no distinction between human soul and spirit, seeing no need for such a difference either theologically or psychologically. I also, in fact, do not theorize religion in the two…
Christian Smith
January 15, 2017
Reply and Response

“More Realism, Critically”—A Reply to James K. A. Smith’s “The (Re)Turnto the Person in Contemporary Theory”

I am grateful for James K. A. Smith’s (hereafter JS) very thoughtful review (see Christian Scholar’s Review 40.1 : 77-92) of my book, What is a Person? (here-after WiaP?). Much of his exposition gets the book and my larger intellectual project right, which I greatly appreciate. But some of his critical arguments I think miss…
Christian Smith
January 15, 2011