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The First American Evangelical: A Short Life of Cotton Mather

Reviewed by Carol Sue Humphrey, History, Oklahoma Baptist University In The First American Evangelical, Rick Kennedy presents an excellent brief biography of Cotton Mather. He discusses Mather’s life, ideas, and impact on colonial America, emphasizing the role that Mather played in laying the groundwork for the Great Awakening in the eighteenth century. The book is…
Carol Sue Humphrey
April 15, 2017

God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution

In God of Liberty, Thomas Kidd presents a thoughtful and well-argued discussion of the role of religion in eighteenth-century America. Beginning with the Great Awakening and continuing through the Election of 1800, Kidd capably discusses ideas about faith and God and how they influenced the changes in America produced by the American Revolu-tion. In doing…
Carol Sue Humphrey
July 15, 2011