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Creator God, Evolving World

Reviewed by Brian Glenney, Philosophy, Gordon College Life evolves according to something like PANDA: Progressive complexity, Ancestors in common, Natural selection, Descent with modification, Ancient earth. The phenomenon of natural selection, for example, reveals that living things with the most adaptive traits continue to exist. But some aspects of how adaptive traits become selected remain…
Brian Glenney
January 15, 2014

Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism

Reviewed by Brian Glenney, Philosophy, Gordon College A tribal shaman, an atheist scientist, and a religious philosopher enter a bar. After getting drinks, the ground begins shaking violently and all three quickly duck under the table. The shaman pours out his beer to appease the angry god. The scientist guzzles his, anticipating the worst, and…
Brian Glenney
October 15, 2012