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A New Philosophy of Darkness

Over the course of history, darkness and creatures associated with the dark have long beenvilified. Yet according to Adam Barkman, this vilification has often resulted in both aesthetic and ethical injustice. At the root of these injustices is humanity’s constant failure both to keep the literal and the metaphorical separate and to remember that all…
Adam Barkman
April 15, 2010

God and the Reach of Reason: C.S. Lewis, David Hume, and Bertrand Russell

Having crossed paths with many well-known philosophers, such as Gilbert Ryle,John Mabbott, Oxford Memories (Oxford: Thornton’s, 1986), 77-8. Antony Flew,Antony Flew, There is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind (New York: HarperOne,2007), 22-3. C. E. M. Joad,Christopher W. Mitchell, “University Battles: C. S. Lewis and the Oxford University Socratic Club,”…
Adam Barkman
October 15, 2008