During the last volume year the total number of submissions was sixty six—about average. Our current acceptance-to-publication timeframe is about twelve months.

Our summer 2013 theme issue, “The Global Face of Christian Higher Education,” was co-edited by Janel Curry of Gordon College and Joel Carpenter of Calvin College. I am very thankful for the excellent job they did. Our summer 2014 theme issue, “Theology, Philosophy and Development in Contemporary Africa,” is being co-edited by David A. Hoekema (Calvin College), Paul W. Robinson (Wheaton College), and Afia Yamoah (Hope College). See elsewhere in this issue for details regarding the Call for Papers.
I thank Kim McMurtry (our formatter), Elaine Friedberg (our copy editor), all of the associate editors and referees, as well as David Hoekema and Todd Steen for their excellent work for CSR during the past year. It is truly a pleasure to work with them. Finally, I thank the Board of Trustees at Montreat College for supporting my work as Editor.
I have enjoyed this past year and look forward to 2013-14.
Don W. King
Montreat College
Montreat, NC
July 28, 2013