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Extended Review

How Shall We Then Read the Bible?—An Extended Review

I believe the most important issue in twenty-first-century Christian liberal arts is “How shall we then read the Bible?” With rampant out-sourcing, on-lining, under-training, and down-sizing in General Education, along with myopic careerism in parents, administrators, and professors, fewer and fewer Christian colleges and universities show clear interest in teaching Bible-reading as a distinctive and…
October 15, 2018
Extended Review

The Pope and the Professor — An Extended Review

“How can one be a Christian scholar?” Such is the “quandary of the modern age” that is referred to in the subtitle of Thomas (Tal) Howard’s The Pope and the Professor. And in the book, the quandary is a tragedy for church historian Ignaz von Döllinger, whose scholar’s conscience fails to hold to both of…
January 15, 2018