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The threat of AI is not that it will consciously take over: The threat is that we will unconsciously let it

You’ve heard the story. Advanced technology is created, turns deviant, and coldly proceeds to supplant humanity.  It is one of the more enduring science fiction tropes. From the cautionary imagery of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Tom Cruise battling Artificial Intelligence in the latest Mission Impossible blockbuster, the robots going rogue theme consistently occupies our imaginative…
November 28, 2023

Revisiting the Moral Limits of Markets: An “Open Take”

Introduction In September of 2016, a 20-year-old student from Russia entered an online auction site to fund university education abroad. What was for sale? Her virginity. The student, who identifies herself as “Ariana,” posted a starting bid of 150,000 euros—enough money for housing, food, and medical school tuition. Moreover, prospective buyers were given the opportunity…
January 15, 2019