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Postliberal Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed; Postliberal Theology and the Church Catholic: Conversations with George Lindbeck, David Burrell, and Stanley Hauerwas

Reviewed by Jacob Goodson, Philosophy, Southwestern College Recently, an undergraduate student attended my office hours with a list of questions that demanded answers. One of these questions was simple, yet significant. She asked, “What does postliberalism and postliberal theology mean?” She added, without hesitation, “Wikipedia doesn’t give a clear or helpful answer. So what is…
Jacob Goodson
October 15, 2014

Toward a Generous Orthodoxy: Prospects for Hans Frei’s Postliberal Theology

How does the work of Yale philosophic theologian Hans Frei contribute to questions within the vocation of the Christian scholar? Does Frei furnish original insights to the discourse maintained by Christian Scholar’s Review? How might Frei’s eccentric writing style, as well as his more philosophical tendencies within his theology, provide hope and remedies for Christian…
Jacob Goodson
April 15, 2012

Visual Theology: Forming and Transforming the Community Through the Arts

What is the relationship, if any, between Christian theology and the visual arts? Does this relationship need to be “contentious”? Should Christian theologians think that the Apostle Paul’s critique of images “made by man’s design and skill” (Acts 17:29) applies to all objects considered “visual art”? In Visual Theology: Forming and Transforming the Community Through…
Jacob Goodson
April 15, 2010