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The Gift of Finitude: Wisdom from Ecclesiastes for a Theology of Education

As Christian educators and their institutions feel increasingly overwhelmed by unprecedented challenges yet champion ideal concepts, Daniel J. Treier highlights the neglect of human finitude in theological approaches to education. He briefly maps out the major approaches and sketches the theological history of finitude before exploring the concept in Ecclesiastes. In light of this biblical…
Daniel J. Treier
July 15, 2019
Review and Response

Heavenly Participation: The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry—A Review Essay

In Heavenly Participation, Hans Boersma, one of today’s leading evangelical theologians (and, in the interests of full disclosure, a friend to this reviewer), provides an accessible and compelling distillation of his recent project. The argument should be especially interesting for readers of this journal, since Boersma’s book is perhaps the most theologically responsible version of…
Daniel J. Treier
October 15, 2011