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Book Review

The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World

When students in my media courses start in on the usual litany about the evils of digital media and how they are threatening our “real” relationships and communication skills, I am always a little surprised, first that they would spend so much time with technology they believe to be ruining their individual characters and society.…
Bethany Keeley-Jonker
April 15, 2018

Stop Talking that Way! An Affective Approach to Uncanny Speech in the Christian College Classroom

Bethany Keeley-Jonker and Craig Mattson notice that some of their best speech students practice a delivery so controlled it feels uncanny. This essay traces such “zombie speech” not to students’ worldview assumptions but to affective norms in conventional speech pedagogy. The essay appropriates Christian theology to reorient the practice of speech in keeping with a…