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Review Essays

The Calling of the Christian as Citizen: Exploring Three Perspectives

Has something gone awry in Christian political engagement? Are Christians deficient in how they think and act in the political world, especially in the United States? The three books under review in this essay—Daniel Williams’s The Politics of the Cross: A Christian Alternative to Partisanship, Daniel Bennett’s Uneasy Citizenship: Embracing the Tension in Faith and…
Andrew Kaufmann
March 11, 2025

Christianity and Political Power: Four Cautionary Words

We face yet another presidential election season, and in the fall, college campuses across the country will host seminars, roundtables, and talks to help students prepare for what’s to come. One question that certainly will arise has to do with Christianity’s relationship to political power, a question that’s hard to escape when former President (and…
Andrew Kaufmann
April 22, 2024

Ahmaud Arbery and the (Im)possibility of Justice

In his book Specters of Marx, French philosopher Jacques Derrida observes that time is always “out of joint.” Citing Shakespeare’s Hamlet, he notes that Hamlet’s tragedy arises from his mission to right a wrong that can never present itself, a crime that is always in the past. The disjunction of crime and correction is ever present in the…
Andrew Kaufmann
January 21, 2022

Guest Post: In Defense of Humanistic Learning

It is cliche at this point to observe that humanistic learning is declining in American colleges and universities, including Christian ones. There are new data points each year, but the conclusion is always the same: faculty positions supporting particular arts and sciences majors, such as classics, history, philosophy, etc., are being reduced.  It is easy…
Andrew Kaufmann
September 22, 2021