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Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community

Reviewed by Adam Perez, Liturgical Studies, Duke Divinity SchoolAdam Perez is currently writing his Th.D. dissertation in Liturgical Studies at Duke University, and Monique Ingalls recently joined his dissertation committee. However, the current review was commissioned and drafted before that professional relationship was established. To the outsider, North American evangelical Christianity can seem rather opaque.…
Adam Perez
July 15, 2020
Extended Review

Making All Things New —An Extended Review

Adam Perez and Glenn Stallsmith are Th.D. students in liturgical studies at Duke Divinity School. One of us (Stallsmith) had a high school chemistry teacher who displayed a bumper sticker in her classroom: “What in the world ISN’T chemistry?” Benjamin L. Gladd and Matthew S. Harmon would like pastors to ask a similar question when…