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Con-Serving and Keeping a Habitable Earth

  We should so behave on Earth that Heaven will not be a shock to us. — Pastor Willard BontragerWillard L. Bontrager was pastor of the Coldsprings Mennonite Church, 1949–1994. See the last paragraph of this blog post for additional information. Expectantly, an avid gardener approached me after my presentation at a conference at the…
Calvin DeWitt
October 17, 2023

Binocular Vision in Life and Vocation

“As humans we have two eyes to view the world; their combined binocular vision brings depth not available to either eye on its own.” — Sir John T. HoughtonJohn T. Houghton, In the Eye of the Storm ( Oxford: Lion Hudson, 2013.), 264. While curriculum vitae means “course of one’s life” its academic use normally…
Calvin DeWitt
September 11, 2023

Guardener’s Song*

Picture Source: We were flying east across the Atlantic Ocean, anticipating our overnight stop in Amsterdam, and were soon attracted by an interesting message on the headrest in front of us. It announced a celebration of the 400th anniversary year of Rembrandt van Rijn’s birth! Might it be possible for us to join the…
Calvin DeWitt
February 27, 2023

Soviet Tanks and the Good News: for Reflection on Mark 16:15

We were aboard the Fyodor Dostoevsky, in port on the Moscow River, just after returning from an early morning visit to Red Square, where we had been puzzled by why it was completely devoid of visitors. Our guide, Natasha, had queried a lone soldier who said it had been cleared for a movie production. As…
Calvin DeWitt
March 3, 2022

Guest Post – Carbon’s Invitation to Wonder

“The heavens declare the glory of God.” With this proclamation David opens Psalm 19, which“celebrates the glory of God as manifested in his works” and “the knowledge of God which shines forth more clearly in his word,” as John Calvin says in his commentary. There is no doubt that this proclamation “includes by synecdoche the…
Calvin DeWitt
November 30, 2021