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Book Review – Agrarian Spirit: Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land

There is now a well-developed Christian literature addressing the dualism of mind- body, and the consequences for our health and flourishing when this dualism is taken for granted, ignored, or unchallenged. Theologian Norman Wirzba suggests there is another dualism that similarly threatens our spiritual-physical-social health; this is the dualism between humanity and the rest of…
Brian M. Howell
March 16, 2023

The Pedagogy of Improv

For Christmas 2021, my wife got me the gift of improv comedy classes. We happen to have an improv comedy theater right here in our little Chicago suburb, and she signed me up for a Level 1 class. She says I brought up the idea at some point—I certainly don’t remember doing that—but I was…
Brian M. Howell
February 6, 2023

Agrarian Spirit: Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land

There is now a well-developed Christian literature addressing the dualism of mind- body, and the consequences for our health and flourishing when this dualism is taken for granted, ignored, or unchallenged. Theologian Norman Wirzba suggests there is another dualism that similarly threatens our spiritual-physical-social health; this is the dualism between humanity and the rest of…
Brian M. Howell
November 8, 2022

Teaching Bodies: How to Bring the Body into the Christian Liberal Arts

A colleague in the theology program here at Wheaton College once told me that of all the things she teaches to our Christian students—all the heresies, misunderstandings, failed theologies they bring to college—the thing that most blows their minds is the clear scriptural teaching of the resurrection of the body. It is not that this…
Brian M. Howell
November 10, 2021

Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics.

It is always with excitement and trepidation that I approach a description of my discipline from those in other fields. Technically, as a cultural anthropologist, ethnography is not my “discipline,” as other social sciences, such as sociology, political science, and even economics, have adopted and adapted ethnographic methods to great effect, but it is definitive…
Brian M. Howell
April 15, 2012